Auriculotherapy is a healthcare modality in which stimulation to specific parts of the external ear (auricle) is applied to facilitate the internal healing processes for the treatment of health conditions affecting other parts of the body.  

Auriculotherapy works as a powerful non-invasive adjunct to other modalities to safely treat pain and internal disorders with excellent results. The auricular points, approximately 250 in total, are seen as one of several microsystems throughout the body, can be stimulated by manual pressure, electrical / laser stimulation and with ear pellets. Auriculotherapy is also referred to as ear acupuncture when the stimulation is achieved by the insertion of acupuncture needles (which I do not use), but there are differences as well as similarities between the two practices.

Some of the conditions Auriculotherapy can help you with:

  • Pain, chronic and acute

  • Asthma

  • Anxiety and depression

  • Temporomandibular joint (TMJ) dysfunction

  • Addictions

  • Muscle spasms

  • Allergies 

  • Sleep disorders

  • Sinusitis 

  • Vertigo

  • Digestive disorders

    Post-operative treatments, specialising in foot / ankle recovery, can be highly beneficial to improve healing after surgery and reduce some of the common after-effects, such as:

• Discomfort and Pain

• Swelling

• Stiffness in the joints 

• Scar tissue 

These treatments can be helpful for patients recovering from foot and ankle surgical procedures eg. bunion surgery, arthritis and sports injuries. Various techniques and methods are incorporated to best support you. Treatment is, however, customised to your specific needs and preferences, with your particular state of comfort in mind. Please read FAQ for further information.

Therapeutic Tools that are often used in conjunction with manual therapy to compliment your treatment include:

  • Herbal liniments, essential oils and natural balms

  • Infra-red heat lamps

  • Pointer Pulse, LASER / ELECTRO therapy

  • Press pellets / Ear seeds / Auricular probe
