Massage therapy including Deep Tissue, Relaxation and Pregnancy massage. The skilled use of therapeutic manipulation of soft tissue is applied to encourage the release of muscular congestion and stimulate the flow of oxygen in the blood to encourage the release of toxins from the body.

Various techniques are incorporated to address individual health needs, such as reducing muscle tension, breaking up adhesions, pain and stress relief, improving circulation, restoring movement, reducing scar tissue and promoting relaxation. Massage has the ability to restore the body’s own healing potential by soothing the nervous system, reducing tension enhancing nutrient delivery to the affected site and removing waste products (i.e. calcification, scar tissue, damaged cells) via the blood and lymphatic systems.

How massage therapy can be of benefit to you:

• Relieves muscle tension and spasms

• Reduces pain: chronic and acute pain; post-operative pain; 

headaches, back, neck and shoulder pain 

• Reduces excessive scar tissue formation

• Reduces swelling 

• Elimination of lactic acid and other toxins

• Improves your circulation

• Massage therapy enhances relaxation

Post-operative treatments, specialising in foot / ankle recovery, can be highly beneficial to improve healing after surgery and reduce some of the common after-effects, such as:

• Discomfort and Pain

• Swelling

• Stiffness in the joints 

• Scar tissue 

These treatments can be helpful for patients recovering from foot and ankle surgical procedures eg. bunion surgery, arthritis and sports injuries. Various techniques and methods are incorporated to best support you. Treatment is, however, customised to your specific needs and preferences, with your particular state of comfort in mind. Please read FAQ for further information.

Therapeutic Tools that are often used in conjunction with manual therapy to compliment your treatment include:

  • Herbal liniments, essential oils and natural balms

  • Infra-red heat lamps

  • Pointer Pulse, LASER / ELECTRO therapy

  • Press pellets / Ear seeds / Auricular probe


